Blogi - Designing for Mobile
Adoben entinen tuotemanageri Mordy Golding dokumentoi Design for Mobile -blogissa ajatuksensa ja asiat joita hän oppii syventyessään Adobe Creative Suite 3:n Adobe Device Centraliin.
"...I found that most of the information on mobile content development and design was very technical in nature. Or at the very least, required a strong understanding of the mobile market -- both in its diverse technology, and its global market. Especially coming from the point of a designer wanting to know more about creating content for this ubiquitous medium, I was overwhelmed. But I've been learning.
I also realized there are probably many other designers out there who, like me, are scratching their heads on this whole mobile thing. My goal is to share my learning experiences by documenting them here. No doubt, I am sure I will also learn from those who will hopefully join me. I intend to share information on both the technical side (understanding how mobile works, and how content is delivered, etc), as well as the design side (using the design apps we're already familiar with, and understanding mobile devices as a design medium)..."
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Technorati: [matkapuhelimet], [kännykkä liittymä], [kännykkä suunnittelu], [matkapuhelin], [mobiili design], [mobile design], [content for mobile]
Tunnisteet: internet, oppaat, uutuus