Dual SIM card holderista dual SIM kortti puhelimiin

GSM Arenalla on mielenkiintoinen artikkeli Dual SIM kortti puhelinten kehityskaaresta dual SIM kortti holdereista ja adaptereista nykyisiin dual SIM card matkapuhelimiin. Dual SIM card holdereistahan tiedämmekin jotain, GSM Arena lisää tietojamme dual SIM card kännyköiden osalta. He jopa arvostelevat kaksi SIM korttia sisältävän matkapuhelimen kiinalaisen CECT:n.

"...Not just one that can store two SIMs, but one that is actually capable of operating them as easy as one-two-three. And we had our hands on one of these. Manufactured by CECT, now one of the best known Chinese mobile phone makers, this device claims to be as good as two separate handsets, packed in one..."

Dual SIM review: Mobiles go two-in-one

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